Conscientization program 

Topic: Adolescence - A period of stress and Storm.
             As part of our B. Ed curriculum,we the teacher trainees of Mar Theophilus training college,Nalanchira conducted a concentization program during the teaching practice in the school St. Mary's Higher Secondary school Pattom. The program was held on the topic " Adolescence - A period of stress and Storm". It was an one hour program. The program was conducted on 21-02-2023, Tuesday. Our group consists of four members: Arya, Austin,Jisha and Nisha. It was an one hour program to the students of standard 9Z. 

Introduction: Nisha L
Addictive habits: Austin
Concept of beauty: Jisha
Conclusion: Arya
                 At the end of the program they shared their experience about the program and also made a feedback from our students.

Interactive session 

Sharing experience 

Feedback time 


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